I’m So Concerned For That Ugly Girl’s Health

meowser-48.jpg posted by meowser

So I was fiddlefarting around on the Mets blog Amazin’ Avenue — I only lurk there sometimes to get the latest information about the team, I never post there. It’s not exactly a feminist haven, though (few sports sites are, especially if they’re devoted to sports played by men), and for some reason, tonight the subject of Beth Ditto came up when I was glancing at the open thread from tonight’s game. Maybe she was at the game? I don’t know, not having seen the entire broadcast. Anyway, one of the posters sniffed, wanting women to have a better body image is one thing, but “deliberately making yourself as unhealthy as possible is another.”

Which made me think, “Deliberately making yourself as unhealthy as possible? Really, dude nation dude? So all your favorite records were made by nonsmoking, drug-free teetotalers who never had unprotected sex with strangers?”

11 Responses to “I’m So Concerned For That Ugly Girl’s Health”

  1. KarenElhyam Says:

    Wanting women to have better body image for poster in question probably just means wanting the women in his life to quit bothering him with their silly body image concerns or insecurities.

    Mind you, I’m very cynical when it comes to dude nation.

  2. randomquorum Says:


    I LOVE how people think that saying its ok to like your fat body is the same as saying that you’re going to spend the rest of your life deliberatly forcing yourself to be unhealthy.

    Its right up there with the old “we can’t let the fatz have pretty clothes or they’ll never stop being FAT!” argument.

  3. Meowser Says:

    Wanting women to have better body image for poster in question probably just means wanting the women in his life to quit bothering him with their silly body image concerns or insecurities.


  4. Tiana Says:

    It sounds like he thinks she got fat on purpose just to be an inspiration. Because, uhm … that would totally work, right?

  5. Bilt4Cmfrt Says:

    I’m guessing here but, Dude is probably not an Ozzy Osbourne fan.

  6. Rachel Says:

    That comment is actually something I’ve seen echoed in even some feminist platforms. The message is basically, accept yourself, but only if you’re thin. Self-acceptance, apparently, is something only thin women are deserving of.

  7. wriggles Says:

    “deliberately making yourself as unhealthy as possible is another.”

    Can somebody tell these clowns that (faux) lifestyle hypochondria is getting really, really old.

  8. Kristie Says:

    I spend a helluva lot of time and energy trying to make (and keep) myself healthy. I’ve got an appointment with an orthopedist regarding my chronic pain that keeps me from walking and doing yoga, which I love. I try to avoid sickies who don’t know how to cover their coughs. I’m trying to cut back on my OTC medicine usage. I don’t consider my fat a health issue, but my health issues certainly contribute to my fat.

  9. GeekGirlsRule Says:

    By “better body image” he means being hot enough and secure enough in that hotness to allow him to see them in bikinis and lust after them.

    The rest of the world: body image issues.

    Screw that guy. Or more to the point, don’t.

  10. Bree Says:

    wanting women to have a better body image is one thing, but “deliberately making yourself as unhealthy as possible is another.”

    Translation: Wanting women to have a better body image is one thing, so long as they continue to stay thin so I can be sexually attracted to them.

    When the majority of concern trolls make these statements, it’s not about being worried for our health, it’s about them being offended that we aren’t their ideal body type and being offended we’re not going to change it for them.

  11. Jenny Rose Says:

    There is one less piece of eye candy in the world for that man. She let him down by not being his type of woman to look at. Apparently everywoman who this man sees us under and obligation to take care of herself.

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